Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Night Of The Locker Room - 1305 Words
I have never felt more nervous than in the locker room before my region game in Pierre to advance to the state tournament. My teammates and I were gathered in the locker room before the game like we usually are, but this was different. The feeling of knowing that this was our last chance of going to the state tournament and playing for a championship was on the line. I remember it was so quite. I had headphones on, and so many thoughts were traveling my mind. The music blasting in my ears was a blur and all I could hear was my own heart beating. Coach Gardner entered the room and had the coaching staff with him preparing to give his pregame speech. After he relieved some of our stress and nerves, we were ready. We broke down the huddle and jogged down the dark hall to the court. I will never forget walking onto the court hearing the screeching cheers and seeing the sea of purple on one side of the court and red on the other. I knew right as we started warm ups that this game was goin g to be the highlight of my high school career. We were playing the Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Braves who we had not easily beaten earlier in the season. It seems like whenever the Winner Warriors and the Braves match up against each other it has always been fun to watch. After warm ups both teams left their huddles and shook hands before tip-off. As the ref lobbed the ball in the air and I got the tip was loudest noise I have ever heard while playing in a game. Running down the court I could seeShow MoreRelatedThe History Of Football1131 Words  | 5 Pagesthe home of the Lavergne football team but because of its locker room, atmosphere and most importantly it’s the home of the Wolverine family. Firstly, at the La Vergne stadium, the first thing one may walk by is the locker rooms. One could argue that the locker room is the best place around the stadium because it is where the team goes to get their heads cleared and minds focused. For example, before the game players sit near their locker studying and focusing in on plays. Another example wouldRead MoreFootball Atmosphere Essay907 Words  | 4 Pagesis the night for football. The feelings we athletes get from the atmosphere and the locker room are feelings one can only feel if he or she plays the game. These feeling surpass anything that anyone can ever feel in his or her life. School is over time to go to the Bison Locker Room. It may smell like sweat that is five days old or clothing that hasn’t been washed for a year at a time. Playing the vicious game of football the smell becomes part of me. Once I walk into the locker room the stenchRead MoreLocker Room Talk By Stephen Dunn Essay1269 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is victory? What is failure? How do we know what state we’re truly in? 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Is Relational Frame Theory - 1730 Words
In our world there are so many theories on how we should live our lives, battle disorders of all kinds, and how to fix or solve those disorders. The specific theory that we will be taking a look on is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or more commonly known in the psychology world as ACT. Like most other theories that take from other theories in its format, this one is no different. Steven C. Hayes is considered and recognized by the psychological community to be the founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Steven Hayes is known for an analysis of human language and cognition. Otherwise known as Relational Frame Theory, and its application to various psychological difficulties including the development of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Relational Frame Theory shows up in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by exploring the paradoxes of context, such as separating words and actions, and distinguishing clients’ sense of self from their thoughts and behavior. Although Rela tional Frame Theory has a place in the development, most of the theory stems off of behavioral therapy. With that being said, behavioral therapy is divided into three generations: traditional Behaviorism, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or also known as CBT, and the current â€Å"third generation†or contextual approaches to behavior. This â€Å"third generation†of behaviorism has a premise that suffering is a basic characteristic of human life and represents a dramatic change that cannot be avoided which is takenShow MoreRelatedMarketing Systems And Community Engagement Theories Essay1495 Words  | 6 Pageswill provide an insight into marketing system and community engagement with the help of different theories. Further the case of Milo cricket program for kids will be discussed along with the application of event sequencing map method to explain those marketing system and community engagement theories. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Analyses Company Named Rana Plaza
Questions: 1. Discuss the ways in which companies, like the ones mentioned in the extract, that sourced clothes from the Rana Plaza can help improve business practices to prevent recurrence of events of this nature.2. How they operate ethically, taking into account their approach to consumerism, values and environmental friendliness. Answers: The report analyses company named Rana Plaza which is a firm in textile sector within Bangladesh. Initial portion of the paper has attempted to analyze every firm that has sourced or else are presently sourcing from Rana plaza as well as has also attempted to find the path through which they could help themselves to improve the business practices as well as prevention of the recurrence of such incident further which was observed in the firm Rana Plaza (Boatright, 2000). The study has also evaluated all the ethical factors that were actually involved within firm plus also has all actions related to the firms need plus the requirement towards undertaking smooth endurance. Analysis plus evaluation of all these ethical and even social issues would definitely make sure that firms properly understand and know everything that went incorrect in Rana Plaza and even tries to efficiently keep themselves far away from such similar incident otherwise actions that could affect others in the same w ay. In the next part a firm named Nestle has been taken into consideration and all the actions of firm related to primary ethical concern like CSR plus consumerism, and also environmental friendliness plus beliefs as well as values even has been appropriately considered as such activities will absolutely propel Nestls goals and aims for the future (Brenkert and Beauchamp, 2010). 1. Introducing the incident: The major disaster actually took place in the firm Rana Plaza that is located in Bangladesh. In the incident an eight level building that included six factories just collapsed and fell like house of the cards (Pramanik, Hossain and Azad, 2015). This incident killed somewhat 1,134 workers. This incident has even put a concern on the health plus safety problems in textile industry. This case also forced all the companies to think upon morals plus ethics that they in fact carry plus also that whether original ethics towards the safety as well as security of staffs is being carried out in the firm or not. As an outcome, media, government plus the consumers and also some other stakeholders also are additionally holding the clothing firms accountable for each health as well as safety flouting within all of their chains of supply (Carmody, n.d.). Discussion: As the shareholders who actually belong to the textile sector plus the clothing companies are unlocked to the elements of all the financial plus reputational danger and risks as well as even the fear that arrives from the incidents that are attached to the dangerous working situations at firms working sites intended for production. Thus, investors currently need carrying a noteworthy wager within heartening companies to execute the appropriate health plus safety activities plus practices all through their self and also suppliers functions (Donaldson, 2000).Various factors in fact share liability and burden of the disaster that was observed in Rana Plaza. First of all, Bangladesh which is seen as a province carrying very feeble governance also faces many structural problems like the lack of few genuine rule as plus regulation of law,insufficient and scarce appraisal as well as evaluation procedures, and even generally extra unproductive admittance towards justice intended for victims of work-linked incidents. The company can now try to follow few simple steps as well as attain actually total safety plus security and also can be able of avoiding such cases further. These steps are: Since there exist a weak governance in the country firms can abide by few regulation and rules of the license plus also insurances intended for its staffs plus stakeholders (Duska, 2000) The companies must also have a good structure towards the tasks and works performed within the firm The companies must also lay down some rules plus regulations intended for it as well as try to abide by each of them plus even make all its employees chase the same. Such companies must also try to appropriately indulge a proper assessment plus evaluation procedure where a sensible evaluation of building as well as premises plus all equipments and even tools used within the sites will be taken (Dwyer, 2008). The companies must be extra ethical about providing security and safety to all the staffs as well as must supply all its employees with very good justice as well as equality. Working situations for all workers must be appropriately improved as well as maintained thereafter. Proper ecological standards and benchmarks must be set and also maintained Some energy saving processes must be also implemented at the time of production upon the sites Staffs health as well as safety benchmarks needs to be supported and be very correct arrangements intended for health plus safety of staff that must also be made available (Freeman, 2000) All the same, in instant consequences of plant tragedy, some firms astonishingly spoke incredulity regarding whether factories are literally shaped with all of their goods otherwise it is just a saying.Unquestionably, as a result of the multinational firms which appropriately outsourced the production to countries like Bangladesh, self-existing labors often supplied verdicts in complex as well as imperative supply chains. Companies here must also try to properly understand that price plus cost affects their differentials as well, in fact these were seen the real reason of outsourcing within first place, in midst of totally developed as well as also some developing nations which showed situations within factories which were possibly substandard, along with being only empirical evidence which can also disprove such facts (Heermance, 2002). Recommendation: The firms can in reality sign the Accord upon Building Safety as well as staff security within the firm in Bangladesh that would also allow the employees to break off their work if through any means they feel and sense that their security and safety is being hurt or in under danger. Textile industry even has not really forgotten the Rana Plaza incident. It is indeed vital to repeatedly ask questions as well as seek out brands plus firms that are enthusiastically trying to enhance worker situations (Kilpi, 2002). Conclusion: The vital responsibility for the case that was observed was seen to be upon Bangladeshi government and authorities as they literally failed in properly fulfilling all of their tasks and duties as well as compulsions towards securing plus protecting workers and also making them appropriately aware of incidents as well as risks plus also actions towards shielding lives from all such risks. State of Bangladesh, as per the national as well as international law and rule should really also try to save and secure as well as protect all peoples rights in the authority as they also were ineffective in their accountability which was concerning the granting of rights plus safety to textile industry staffs. 2. Introduction: Nestl is globes largest fast moving consumer goods firm. Nestl actually was originated, and founded as well as headquartered in the Vevey, Switzerland within the year 1906 by the merger of Anglo-Swiss Milk firm and Farine Lacte Henri Nestl firm (Nestle, 2001) Methodology: The method that was used for data and information collection wads the is secondary method for collection. Information and data here were gathered from several secondary resources such as from magazines, website of firms, journals, as well as books. Discussion (Findings): Consumerism- Most critical problems and issues which Nestl has vastly been criticized for past 15 years is promotion of use of the infant formula towards the mothers all across the globe. Several people believe that the strategy of the firm Nestl for promoting all its infant formula actually was deceptive and also harmful that even violates both global Symbols of the Marketing of all substitutes of breast milk and the WHO Code changeable for marketing of the substitutes of breast milk (Moon, 2001). Nestl's promotional campaign encouraged all the mothers throughout the globe for feeding the child with bottle instead of the breast milk, they also used some free samples to chase this mission within the addition Nestl also implies that all the malnourished mothers as well as mothers having twins do not have ability for Breastfeeding their child, despite several international health firms also claimed that actually there is no adequate evidence towards shoring up such statement that could put the mothers as well as the babies existence in danger (Paine, 2000). IBFN which is an Health organization that also disparaged Nestl for the marketing strategy that it adopted. IBFN believed that Nestl was harming as well as misleading mothers through offering them such free samples and packs of milks because they were in hospitals, and as mothers were to be released from the care centers they were to repeatedly buy the Nestl's formula because by the time babies got totally adapted to Nestl's milk. This organization even maintained that the firm Nestl exercised a proper "Humanitarian Aid" towards forming the markets through offering some striking gifts as well as different sponsorships towards influencing the health officials and experts to the market plus endorse its goods through targeting the young mothers who also given birth to newborns (Painter-Morland, 2008) Values - Nestle Business strategies and principles form firms culture which actually has been made and developed over vast period of some 140 years. The firms principles of corporate business are in reality handed out towards its somewhat 282,000 labors with training techniques and tool for spreading out firms core values as well as mission. Company management also is allocated as per its demographic area, with exception of the firm waters plus nutrition that are totally managed by the international department of the firm (Paliwal, 2006). Nestl is very different from other companies. It has a very unique group of values as well as guiding principles which also have been developed and built up since many past years. The firms corporate business and also principles of management plus leadership describe the path through which people all through this firms group interact and communicate with each other every day. The firm believes in people and not in systems. They are also very much to wards creation of value intended for their shareholders yet the firm does not favors fast-wins keeping in stake the long run advantages of the business. Nestle is totally committed towards constant development and growth and is also a pragmatic firm (Pramanik, Hossain and Azad, 2015). Environmental Friendliness- Nestls was actually accused as people of Serra da mantiquira think that the firms action has in reality changed taste of drinking water as well as also over pumping even has caused total dry out upon main area from where water come to the location. The firm used the water resources to supply water and produce mineral bottles of water said as Pure life. Also unfortunately just after analyzing the Nestls act of corporation, ethics were seen to have no place within their firms strategy for long run. Such a reality also influenced the firms repute and even ruined all its position within the market of food and beverage industry. Also after this the firm has to face vast criticism from all the health care and management firms. Though the firm produces its goods and products ethically yet some issues have affected the firm badly and have ruined its reputation (Pramanik, Hossain and Azad, 2015). Recommendation: The firm must take steps towards producing goods ethically The firm must try to advertise more and more for ensuring that its promotional tools engage within themselves the facts about ethical production and carry out Provide few attractive packages to the customers The firm must try to cover itself through ethical management of its resources The firm should try to produce ethically so that it could enhance its reputation(McMahon, 2000). Conclusion: Nestl is amongst world's leading firms of food and actually intends to maintain its repute and remain the same for longer period of time. Its commitment towards higher quality market study will also make sure that it even remains totally aware about the changes within the consumer behavior as well as consumer tastes. There actually have been several reports of the direct advertisement aiming mothers all across the globe in nations like Malaysia, Ireland and South Africa as an outcome advocacy sets and also health organizations blamed Nestl of the unethical procedures of properly promoting the milk it produced s well as demanded the firm to instantly stop its strategies of marketing. References Boatright, J. (2000). Globalization and the Ethics of Business. Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1), p.1. Brenkert, G. and Beauchamp, T. (2010). The Oxford handbook of business ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Carmody, C. (n.d.). The Shirts on Our Backs: The Rana Plaza Disaster, Interdependence, and the Shifting Locus of Responsibility. SSRN Journal. Donaldson, T. (2000). Are Business Managers "Professionals"?. Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1), p.83. Duska, R. (2000). Business Ethics: Oxymoron or Good Business?. Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1), p.111. Dwyer, S. (2008). Thinking ethically in business. Penrith: Humanities-Ebooks. Freeman, R. (2000). Business Ethics at the Millennium. Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1), p.169. Heermance, E. (2002). The ethics of business. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. Kilpi, J. (2002). The ethics of bankruptcy. London: Routledge. McMahon, T. (2000). Lifeboat Ethics in Business. Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1), p.269. Moon, C. (2001). Business ethics. London: Economist. Nestle, M. (2001). Food company sponsorship of nutrition research and professional activities: a conflict of interest?. Public Health Nutrition, 4(05). Paine, L. (2000). Does Ethics Pay?. Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1), p.319. Painter-Morland, M. (2008). Business ethics as practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Paliwal, M. (2006). Business ethics. New Delhi: New Age International. Pramanik, M., Hossain, M. and Azad, M. (2015). Management of mass casualty in Rana Plaza tragedy, the worst industrial disaster in Bangladesh. Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh, 9(2).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Locke And Rousseau Essay Research Paper The free essay sample
Locke And Rousseau Essay, Research Paper The thought of consent is a cardinal component in the plants of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In the? Second Treatise of Government, ? Locke puts forth his construct of the ideal signifier of authorities based on a societal contract. As Locke develops his theory of consent, he besides incorporates theories of political duty on the portion of all citizens of his province every bit good as his theory of revolution and the conditions under which rebellion is allowable. Though Locke may look to hold explored the impression of consent wholly, there are some jobs with his theory that weaken its impact. Despite the possible jobs encountered with Locke? s thought of consent in a political society, Rousseau, in his essay? On the Social Contract, ? seems to hold with Locke with respects to the construct of consent as it applies to the usage of money. The plants of Locke and Rousseau explore political foundations that depend on a societal contract which requires consent above all things in order to procure autonomy for the people. John Locke strongly inside informations the benefits of consent as a rule component of authorities, guaranteed by a societal contract. Locke believes in the constitution of a societal compact among people of a society that is alone in its ability to extinguish the province of nature. Locke feels the contract must stop the province of nature pleasantly because in the province of nature? every one has executive power of the jurisprudence of nature? ( 742 ) . This is a job because work forces are so partial to their ain instances and those of their friends and may go vindictive in penalties of enemies. Therefore, Locke maintains that a authorities must be established with the consent of all that will? keep the fondness and force of work forces? ( 744 ) . Peoples must hold to take themselves from the punishing and judgment procedures and create nonpartisanship in a authorities so that the true equality of work forces can be preserved. Without this consentaneous consent to authorities as holder of executive power, work forces who attempt to set up absolute power will throw society into a province of war ( 745 ) . The importance of freedom and security to adult male is the ground he gives consent to the authorities. He so protects himself from any one partial organic structure from acquiring power over him. He can appeal to a higher authorization in his community one time the consent of the people sets up a bench ( 746 ) . As Locke develops his theory of consent, he addresses the issue of autonomy and provinces that in giving consent, work forces do give up their ? natural autonomy, ? which involves being free from the will of any adult male and life by the jurisprudence of nature. However, in the societal contract we exchange this natural autonomy for? freedom of work forces under authorities, ? in which we have a natural, standing regulation to populate by, common to everyone, made by the legislative ( 747 ) . With consent to authorities, work forces still have the autonomy to follow their ain will in affairs where the jurisprudence does non order otherwise. Therefore, work forces do non hold to endure enslavement to political establishments. For Locke, this justifies consent to authorities and ordered society. Locke incorporates his positions on money into his consent theory, for he feels that work forces have agreed tacitly, with the innovation of money, to set a value on belongings and set up rights to it ( 751 ) . The consent of work forces to put a value on money has allowed work forces to back up themselves with belongings and labour and besides ? addition [ s ] the common stock of world? ( 751 ) . Consent makes industry and the accretion of the wealth of society possible and Locke considers this a positive accomplishment. Involved profoundly in the theory of consent is Locke? s reading of political duty. Locke views authorities as indispensable to the development of a civil society in which the incommodiousnesss of the province of nature are rejected while the safety and security work forces desire are protected by authorities. Therefore, the people, as portion of the societal contract, have a responsibility to obey the Torahs instituted by authorities and to accept the construct of bulk regulation as fundamental to the continued equality of the society. In accepting to political authorization, work forces agree to let the? organic structure with the greater force? to influence policy ( 769 ) . Work force must hold assurance in the proper operation of authorities because they rely on the societal compact. Their duty is to stay by the footings of the compact so that both people and authorities enjoy smooth sailing. Locke besides explores the thought of revolution and insists that the people who have created authorities with consentaneous consent in order to continue their belongings and safety should non be betrayed by the very establishments they gave birth to. So Locke states that if any of the three powers in authorities brand a move? to take away and destruct the belongings of the people, or to cut down them to slavery under arbitrary power? so the people are no longer expected to obey the political authorization ( 807 ) . If the authorities is guilty of a? breach of trust they forfeit the power? ( 807 ) . Locke believes that giving the people the option to arise does non arouse frequent originating against authorities. On the contrary, this option being unfastened is a protective step and keeps things in order, for the people will recognize there is a manner out if the authorities ceases to stand for their involvements. It is, in a sense, a safety valve for the people and gives them the reassurance of holding some control over authorities? s actions. Locke? s theory of consent brushs some minor jobs. One of the possible jobs regards the propertyless individual. For a adult male who has no ownerships, the desire for protection of belongings that motivates work forces to accept to authorities is nonexistent. He has no ground to desire authorities and so will be beyond the range of political authorization. Such a individual, Locke maintains, is topic to despotical power ( 794 ) . Besides, Locke feels that anyone who enjoys the privileges of authorities, like driving on the roads, gives silent consent to authorities ( 777 ) . However, many people are non witting of the fact that driving on the roads is giving consent to authorities. The instruction of precisely what is and what is non consent to authorities is an issue Locke does non turn to. His theory of consent is weakened by the fact that many may non be as cognizant of their consent to authorities as he believes. With respects to revolution, it can be said that Locke positions rebellion as a manner to reinstate political rights violated by an unfair crowned head. He states that one time the authorities has breached the trust of the people, the people? have a right to restart their original autonomy, and, by the constitution of a new legislative? supply for their ain safety and security? ( 807 ) . The people? s responsibility is to overthrow the authorization that is no longer working in a merely mode, a mode appropriate to its creative activity, and to asseverate their rights as stipulated by the societal contract by organizing a new authorities. It is merely a starting over for the society, but no power has truly changed custodies, except on a really impermanent footing. The people take power long plenty to construct a new legislative and so release power to the new authorities. Revolution ensures that misfunctioning authorities does non fade out the political rights of a society. Jean-Jacques Rousseau develops his political theory in response to the contention of Locke that his thought of authorities is the ideal. Rousseau believes in a much higher degree of political engagement and duty, but for the most portion concurs with Locke sing the function of consent in set uping authorities. Rousseau would decidedly hold with Locke that work forces give their common consent to money as a shop of value in a society. Rousseau feels that the societal compact, as it secures the consent of all, will benefit every adult male every bit and protect his belongings. The general will of the people? can direct the forces of the province? to guarantee? the common good? is served ( 919 ) . As money is the component that allows work forces to get wealth and provide for their households, money would surely be welcomed by the people, with their consent to its value, as functioning the common good. Rousseau would contend that if money existed as a shop of value, it could be so merely with the full consent of the people. The general will merely move to function its ain demands in a positive manner ( 920 ) . Therefore, money would be accepted as profiting society, as Locke maintains. The plants of Locke and Rousseau expand the thought of consent as the tract to authorities that serves the people at all times and can be recalled and challenged by the public if it fails to obey the footings of the societal contract. Even if Locke? s thoughts are merely a digest of thoughts swimming about in the philosophical pool in his clip, his assurance in their ability to set up a secure, positive political and civil society influenced our establishing male parents as they worked to plan authorities. His theory of consent and Rousseau? s enlargement on it in his plants stress how indispensable it is for both people and authorities to be held by certain criterions so that everyone is satisfied. In reading Locke and Rousseau, a reader is compelled to compare the theories of these philosophers with the political world today. Though their perceptual experience of the ideal authorities differs, the impact of their work combined can be clearly realized. Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. On the Social Contract.
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